Meet Court, your healing arts practitioner & owner of Energetic Healing + Wellness:

"When things change inside of you there is change all around you, let's heal together".

Court (She/They) is a small business owner and the sole practitioner of Energetic Healing + Wellness located in Providence, RI where they offer intuitive healing sessions for adults, children and pets, inclusive to all beings, in a safe and supported environment. Energetic Healing + Wellness manifested in 2018 after Court's journey of self-discovery, growth, wellness and healing inspired her to gift others with access to these highly beneficial modalities that gave her a completely new appreciation for life. Since Childhood  Court had always noticed how powerful the mind body connection is. At a young age she suffered great traumas that unfortunately continued into adulthood. This was impactful as she could begin to see how our body keeps score of all we experience and if we are not releasing or processing these traumas or experiences, we are carrying them. This can manifest as addiction, pain, unhealthy coping mechanisms and a lack of understanding of who we truly are at the energetic core. Court never really had support or the comfort to be vulnerable, so she found ways to distract or quiet the pain until it became too much to bear. As she began educating herself on many of the practices offered today and taking note of her energy…who she was around, food eaten, how the body responded and moved, Court's perspectives started to shift from a victim mentality to an empowered state. To know a body with less pain,  subsided anxiety, weight loss and a healthier mindset was exactly why Energetic Healing + Wellness manifested! It is a true journey, one that is never complete, yet the freedom to live as you are, authentically, is so liberating when you call your power inward. She thrives in her being with such deep gratitude for this awareness and the opportunity to support others just the same.


Court is a well versed, organic being of service who emits a genuine energy that comforts her clients; she offers a brave space, without judgment, to be seen and heard. She encourages the willingness to trust in the unseen and the empowerment in knowing that we are beyond capable of becoming the change we wish to see in ourselves. She is an active listener and a highly intuitive, empathic lightworker who is continuously adding to her educational repertoire in order to best support her clients. Court emphasizes the "work" is never done as our journey is far from linear and with that curiosity we continue to evolve and become our most authentic selves. Each healing session is customized to her client’s needs; utilizing her plethora of knowledge, experience and intuition in order to facilitate the alignment of the body, mind and spirit. When you hold space with Court you are sure to find yourself embraced by a deeper sense of relaxation, clarity, relief from physical or emotional pain, balance, peace and an energetic flow that facilitates in your overall wellbeing. Wherever you stand on your journey trust that the combination or Reiki, intuitive guidance, crystal healing and mindfulness coaching you experience within Energetic Healing + Wellness will aid in your goal of improving the physical, mental and spiritual alignment you not only seek but deserve.

Love & Light.